Antisemitismus v českých médiích po roce 1989

Antisemitism in the Czech Media After 1989

Petr Žantovský

IN: Stredoeurópske pohľady, Vol. II., Issue 1, 2020, pp. 72-80, ISSN 2644-6367 (print), ISSN-2644-6472 (online)

DOI: 10.17846/CEV.2020.02.1.72-80


The article deals with manifestations of anti-Semitism on the ground of the Czech media after 1989. It states that manifestations of anti-Semitism in the Czech media can be categorized into three basic types: conspiracy, which attributes to Jews an effort to dominate the world; political, which is defined in relation to the State of Israel, and vulgar, occurring mainly in discussions on the Internet. Although the trend of the occurrence of anti-Semitic manifestations in the media is slightly upward, it does not exceed the extreme range and is not a threat to the normal life of society.