Aktualizácia antisemitských mytogém v súčasnom verejnom priestore na Slovensku a ich analýza v publicistike

Updating of Anti-Semitic Mytogemas in Current Public Space in Slovakia and Their Analysis in Journalism

Pavol Markovič

IN: Stredoeurópske pohľady, Vol. II., Issue 1, 2020, pp. 27-31, ISSN 2644-6367 (print), ISSN-2644-6472 (online)

DOI: 10.17846/CEV.2020.02.1.27-31


The paper focuses on the issue of restoring of anti-Semitic mythologies in the Slovak public space. It emphasizes the polarity of rationality of dialog versus irrational quality of mythogema. Mythogemas are not mythological in the true sense of the word, but are limited by its deformations and are linked to pathological, destructive changes. Article studies the material of selected Slovak journalistic texts and compares opinions on the probability of an onset of the destructive paradigm and possible ways to avert it.