The journal Stredoeurópske pohľady (Central European Views, ISSN 2644-6367, e-ISSN 2644-6472) is a peer-reviewed Open Access Journal published by the Institute of Central European languages and Cultures at the Faculty of Central European Studies Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. One of the conceptual intentions of the editors is to create a platform for publishing research on the history, language, literature and culture of Central Europe, including the culture of its national minorities. It follows contextual relationship and mutual conditionality or differences of language and culture development, cultural patterns of Central European area and its ethnic groups in the context of the dominant cultures.
The journal is published semiannually and it is a follow-up to the proceeding Kultúra a súčasnosť published between 2004 and 2018.
Lenka Štvrtecká
Monika Adamická
Ján Gallik
Viktória Gergelyová
Dominika Hlavinová Tekeliová
Klaudia Klamárová
Michal Krauter
Alexej Mikulášek
Diana Starinská Kacarová
Štefan Timko