Slovensko-chorvátske vzťahy spred a počas revolúcie 1848/1849

Slovak-Croatian Relations Before and During the 1848/1849 Revolution

Tomáš Móri

IN: Stredoeurópske pohľady, Vol. I., Issue 1, 2019, pp. 118-126, ISSN 2644-6367 (print), ISSN-2644-6472 (online)

DOI: 10.17846/CEV.2019.01.1.118-126


The contacts of the Slavic nations during the Revolution were the culmination of their emancipation process, the search for allies in the struggles of political power for the preservation and development of their own cultures, the first Slovak national movement to cooperate with the Croatian revivalist movement. The two movements have strengthened cultural contacts and cooperation for common national goals before the revolution. The culmination of these efforts was military co-operation during the Revolution of 1848/1849. The text attempts a modest contribution to the topic in Slovak historiography and literary science. Cooperation between Slovaks and Croatians shows different political, cultural relations within the Hungarian Kingdom.