Stopy histórie 20. storočia v repetitívnych básnických textoch

Traces of History of 20th Century in Repetitive Poetic Texts

Jana Juhásová

IN: Stredoeurópske pohľady, Vol. I., Issue 1, 2019, pp. 44-50, ISSN 2644-6367 (print), ISSN-2644-6472 (online)

DOI: 10.17846/CEV.2019.01.1.44-50


The paper “Traces of History of 20th Century in Repetitive Poetic Texts” discusses the socalled social litanies, the combination of the litanic repetitive form and of the historical-political theme, with a particular focus on the significant “eights” – the pivotal moments in the common Czech and Slovak history of the 20th century (1938, 1948, 1968). The conclusion offers broader glimpse into the committed works of the contemporary Slovak poets.